
<back to all web services


import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.servicestack.client.*;

public class dtos

    public static class UpdateJobApplication implements IPatchDb<JobApplication>
        public Integer id = null;
        public Integer jobId = null;
        public Integer contactId = null;
        public Date appliedDate = null;
        public JobApplicationStatus applicationStatus = null;
        public ArrayList<JobApplicationAttachment> attachments = null;
        public Integer getId() { return id; }
        public UpdateJobApplication setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
        public Integer getJobId() { return jobId; }
        public UpdateJobApplication setJobId(Integer value) { this.jobId = value; return this; }
        public Integer getContactId() { return contactId; }
        public UpdateJobApplication setContactId(Integer value) { this.contactId = value; return this; }
        public Date getAppliedDate() { return appliedDate; }
        public UpdateJobApplication setAppliedDate(Date value) { this.appliedDate = value; return this; }
        public JobApplicationStatus getApplicationStatus() { return applicationStatus; }
        public UpdateJobApplication setApplicationStatus(JobApplicationStatus value) { this.applicationStatus = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<JobApplicationAttachment> getAttachments() { return attachments; }
        public UpdateJobApplication setAttachments(ArrayList<JobApplicationAttachment> value) { this.attachments = value; return this; }

    public static enum JobApplicationStatus

    public static class JobApplicationAttachment
        public Integer id = null;
        public Integer jobApplicationId = null;

        public String fileName = null;
        public String filePath = null;
        public String contentType = null;
        public Long contentLength = null;
        public Integer getId() { return id; }
        public JobApplicationAttachment setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
        public Integer getJobApplicationId() { return jobApplicationId; }
        public JobApplicationAttachment setJobApplicationId(Integer value) { this.jobApplicationId = value; return this; }
        public String getFileName() { return fileName; }
        public JobApplicationAttachment setFileName(String value) { this.fileName = value; return this; }
        public String getFilePath() { return filePath; }
        public JobApplicationAttachment setFilePath(String value) { this.filePath = value; return this; }
        public String getContentType() { return contentType; }
        public JobApplicationAttachment setContentType(String value) { this.contentType = value; return this; }
        public Long getContentLength() { return contentLength; }
        public JobApplicationAttachment setContentLength(Long value) { this.contentLength = value; return this; }

    public static class JobApplication
        public Integer id = null;
        public Integer jobId = null;

        public Integer contactId = null;

        public Job position = null;
        public Contact applicant = null;
        public ArrayList<JobApplicationComment> comments = new ArrayList<JobApplicationComment>();
        public Date appliedDate = null;
        public JobApplicationStatus applicationStatus = null;
        public ArrayList<JobApplicationAttachment> attachments = new ArrayList<JobApplicationAttachment>();
        public ArrayList<JobApplicationEvent> events = new ArrayList<JobApplicationEvent>();
        public PhoneScreen phoneScreen = null;
        public Interview interview = null;
        public JobOffer jobOffer = null;
        public Integer getId() { return id; }
        public JobApplication setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
        public Integer getJobId() { return jobId; }
        public JobApplication setJobId(Integer value) { this.jobId = value; return this; }
        public Integer getContactId() { return contactId; }
        public JobApplication setContactId(Integer value) { this.contactId = value; return this; }
        public Job getPosition() { return position; }
        public JobApplication setPosition(Job value) { this.position = value; return this; }
        public Contact getApplicant() { return applicant; }
        public JobApplication setApplicant(Contact value) { this.applicant = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<JobApplicationComment> getComments() { return comments; }
        public JobApplication setComments(ArrayList<JobApplicationComment> value) { this.comments = value; return this; }
        public Date getAppliedDate() { return appliedDate; }
        public JobApplication setAppliedDate(Date value) { this.appliedDate = value; return this; }
        public JobApplicationStatus getApplicationStatus() { return applicationStatus; }
        public JobApplication setApplicationStatus(JobApplicationStatus value) { this.applicationStatus = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<JobApplicationAttachment> getAttachments() { return attachments; }
        public JobApplication setAttachments(ArrayList<JobApplicationAttachment> value) { this.attachments = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<JobApplicationEvent> getEvents() { return events; }
        public JobApplication setEvents(ArrayList<JobApplicationEvent> value) { = value; return this; }
        public PhoneScreen getPhoneScreen() { return phoneScreen; }
        public JobApplication setPhoneScreen(PhoneScreen value) { this.phoneScreen = value; return this; }
        public Interview getInterview() { return interview; }
        public JobApplication setInterview(Interview value) { this.interview = value; return this; }
        public JobOffer getJobOffer() { return jobOffer; }
        public JobApplication setJobOffer(JobOffer value) { this.jobOffer = value; return this; }

    public static class Job extends AuditBase
        public Integer id = null;
        public String title = null;
        public EmploymentType employmentType = null;
        public String company = null;
        public String location = null;
        public Integer salaryRangeLower = null;
        public Integer salaryRangeUpper = null;
        public String description = null;
        public ArrayList<JobApplication> applications = new ArrayList<JobApplication>();
        public Date closing = null;
        public Integer getId() { return id; }
        public Job setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
        public String getTitle() { return title; }
        public Job setTitle(String value) { this.title = value; return this; }
        public EmploymentType getEmploymentType() { return employmentType; }
        public Job setEmploymentType(EmploymentType value) { this.employmentType = value; return this; }
        public String getCompany() { return company; }
        public Job setCompany(String value) { = value; return this; }
        public String getLocation() { return location; }
        public Job setLocation(String value) { this.location = value; return this; }
        public Integer getSalaryRangeLower() { return salaryRangeLower; }
        public Job setSalaryRangeLower(Integer value) { this.salaryRangeLower = value; return this; }
        public Integer getSalaryRangeUpper() { return salaryRangeUpper; }
        public Job setSalaryRangeUpper(Integer value) { this.salaryRangeUpper = value; return this; }
        public String getDescription() { return description; }
        public Job setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<JobApplication> getApplications() { return applications; }
        public Job setApplications(ArrayList<JobApplication> value) { this.applications = value; return this; }
        public Date getClosing() { return closing; }
        public Job setClosing(Date value) { this.closing = value; return this; }

    public static class AuditBase
        public Date createdDate = null;

        public String createdBy = null;

        public Date modifiedDate = null;

        public String modifiedBy = null;

        public Date deletedDate = null;

        public String deletedBy = null;
        public Date getCreatedDate() { return createdDate; }
        public AuditBase setCreatedDate(Date value) { this.createdDate = value; return this; }
        public String getCreatedBy() { return createdBy; }
        public AuditBase setCreatedBy(String value) { this.createdBy = value; return this; }
        public Date getModifiedDate() { return modifiedDate; }
        public AuditBase setModifiedDate(Date value) { this.modifiedDate = value; return this; }
        public String getModifiedBy() { return modifiedBy; }
        public AuditBase setModifiedBy(String value) { this.modifiedBy = value; return this; }
        public Date getDeletedDate() { return deletedDate; }
        public AuditBase setDeletedDate(Date value) { this.deletedDate = value; return this; }
        public String getDeletedBy() { return deletedBy; }
        public AuditBase setDeletedBy(String value) { this.deletedBy = value; return this; }

    public static enum EmploymentType

    public static class Contact
        public Integer id = null;
        public String displayName = null;

        public String profileUrl = null;
        public String firstName = null;
        public String lastName = null;
        public Integer salaryExpectation = null;
        public String jobType = null;
        public Integer availabilityWeeks = null;
        public EmploymentType preferredWorkType = null;
        public String preferredLocation = null;
        public String email = null;
        public String phone = null;
        public ArrayList<String> skills = null;
        public String about = null;
        public ArrayList<JobApplication> applications = new ArrayList<JobApplication>();
        public Integer getId() { return id; }
        public Contact setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
        public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; }
        public Contact setDisplayName(String value) { this.displayName = value; return this; }
        public String getProfileUrl() { return profileUrl; }
        public Contact setProfileUrl(String value) { this.profileUrl = value; return this; }
        public String getFirstName() { return firstName; }
        public Contact setFirstName(String value) { this.firstName = value; return this; }
        public String getLastName() { return lastName; }
        public Contact setLastName(String value) { this.lastName = value; return this; }
        public Integer getSalaryExpectation() { return salaryExpectation; }
        public Contact setSalaryExpectation(Integer value) { this.salaryExpectation = value; return this; }
        public String getJobType() { return jobType; }
        public Contact setJobType(String value) { this.jobType = value; return this; }
        public Integer getAvailabilityWeeks() { return availabilityWeeks; }
        public Contact setAvailabilityWeeks(Integer value) { this.availabilityWeeks = value; return this; }
        public EmploymentType getPreferredWorkType() { return preferredWorkType; }
        public Contact setPreferredWorkType(EmploymentType value) { this.preferredWorkType = value; return this; }
        public String getPreferredLocation() { return preferredLocation; }
        public Contact setPreferredLocation(String value) { this.preferredLocation = value; return this; }
        public String getEmail() { return email; }
        public Contact setEmail(String value) { = value; return this; }
        public String getPhone() { return phone; }
        public Contact setPhone(String value) { = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<String> getSkills() { return skills; }
        public Contact setSkills(ArrayList<String> value) { this.skills = value; return this; }
        public String getAbout() { return about; }
        public Contact setAbout(String value) { this.about = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<JobApplication> getApplications() { return applications; }
        public Contact setApplications(ArrayList<JobApplication> value) { this.applications = value; return this; }

    public static class JobApplicationComment extends AuditBase
        public Integer id = null;
        public String appUserId = null;

        public AppUser appUser = null;
        public Integer jobApplicationId = null;

        public String comment = null;
        public Integer getId() { return id; }
        public JobApplicationComment setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
        public String getAppUserId() { return appUserId; }
        public JobApplicationComment setAppUserId(String value) { this.appUserId = value; return this; }
        public AppUser getAppUser() { return appUser; }
        public JobApplicationComment setAppUser(AppUser value) { this.appUser = value; return this; }
        public Integer getJobApplicationId() { return jobApplicationId; }
        public JobApplicationComment setJobApplicationId(Integer value) { this.jobApplicationId = value; return this; }
        public String getComment() { return comment; }
        public JobApplicationComment setComment(String value) { this.comment = value; return this; }

    public static class AppUser
        public String id = null;
        public String firstName = null;
        public String lastName = null;
        public String displayName = null;
        public String profileUrl = null;
        public String getId() { return id; }
        public AppUser setId(String value) { = value; return this; }
        public String getFirstName() { return firstName; }
        public AppUser setFirstName(String value) { this.firstName = value; return this; }
        public String getLastName() { return lastName; }
        public AppUser setLastName(String value) { this.lastName = value; return this; }
        public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; }
        public AppUser setDisplayName(String value) { this.displayName = value; return this; }
        public String getProfileUrl() { return profileUrl; }
        public AppUser setProfileUrl(String value) { this.profileUrl = value; return this; }

    public static class JobApplicationEvent extends AuditBase
        public Integer id = null;
        public Integer jobApplicationId = null;

        public String appUserId = null;

        public AppUser appUser = null;
        public String description = null;
        public JobApplicationStatus status = null;
        public Date eventDate = null;
        public Integer getId() { return id; }
        public JobApplicationEvent setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
        public Integer getJobApplicationId() { return jobApplicationId; }
        public JobApplicationEvent setJobApplicationId(Integer value) { this.jobApplicationId = value; return this; }
        public String getAppUserId() { return appUserId; }
        public JobApplicationEvent setAppUserId(String value) { this.appUserId = value; return this; }
        public AppUser getAppUser() { return appUser; }
        public JobApplicationEvent setAppUser(AppUser value) { this.appUser = value; return this; }
        public String getDescription() { return description; }
        public JobApplicationEvent setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; return this; }
        public JobApplicationStatus getStatus() { return status; }
        public JobApplicationEvent setStatus(JobApplicationStatus value) { this.status = value; return this; }
        public Date getEventDate() { return eventDate; }
        public JobApplicationEvent setEventDate(Date value) { this.eventDate = value; return this; }

    public static class PhoneScreen extends AuditBase
        public Integer id = null;
        public String appUserId = null;

        public AppUser appUser = null;
        public Integer jobApplicationId = null;

        public JobApplicationStatus applicationStatus = null;
        public String notes = null;
        public Integer getId() { return id; }
        public PhoneScreen setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
        public String getAppUserId() { return appUserId; }
        public PhoneScreen setAppUserId(String value) { this.appUserId = value; return this; }
        public AppUser getAppUser() { return appUser; }
        public PhoneScreen setAppUser(AppUser value) { this.appUser = value; return this; }
        public Integer getJobApplicationId() { return jobApplicationId; }
        public PhoneScreen setJobApplicationId(Integer value) { this.jobApplicationId = value; return this; }
        public JobApplicationStatus getApplicationStatus() { return applicationStatus; }
        public PhoneScreen setApplicationStatus(JobApplicationStatus value) { this.applicationStatus = value; return this; }
        public String getNotes() { return notes; }
        public PhoneScreen setNotes(String value) { this.notes = value; return this; }

    public static class Interview extends AuditBase
        public Integer id = null;
        public Date bookingTime = null;
        public Integer jobApplicationId = null;

        public String appUserId = null;

        public AppUser appUser = null;
        public JobApplicationStatus applicationStatus = null;
        public String notes = null;
        public Integer getId() { return id; }
        public Interview setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
        public Date getBookingTime() { return bookingTime; }
        public Interview setBookingTime(Date value) { this.bookingTime = value; return this; }
        public Integer getJobApplicationId() { return jobApplicationId; }
        public Interview setJobApplicationId(Integer value) { this.jobApplicationId = value; return this; }
        public String getAppUserId() { return appUserId; }
        public Interview setAppUserId(String value) { this.appUserId = value; return this; }
        public AppUser getAppUser() { return appUser; }
        public Interview setAppUser(AppUser value) { this.appUser = value; return this; }
        public JobApplicationStatus getApplicationStatus() { return applicationStatus; }
        public Interview setApplicationStatus(JobApplicationStatus value) { this.applicationStatus = value; return this; }
        public String getNotes() { return notes; }
        public Interview setNotes(String value) { this.notes = value; return this; }

    public static class JobOffer extends AuditBase
        public Integer id = null;
        public Integer salaryOffer = null;
        public String currency = null;
        public Integer jobApplicationId = null;

        public String appUserId = null;

        public AppUser appUser = null;
        public String notes = null;
        public Integer getId() { return id; }
        public JobOffer setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
        public Integer getSalaryOffer() { return salaryOffer; }
        public JobOffer setSalaryOffer(Integer value) { this.salaryOffer = value; return this; }
        public String getCurrency() { return currency; }
        public JobOffer setCurrency(String value) { this.currency = value; return this; }
        public Integer getJobApplicationId() { return jobApplicationId; }
        public JobOffer setJobApplicationId(Integer value) { this.jobApplicationId = value; return this; }
        public String getAppUserId() { return appUserId; }
        public JobOffer setAppUserId(String value) { this.appUserId = value; return this; }
        public AppUser getAppUser() { return appUser; }
        public JobOffer setAppUser(AppUser value) { this.appUser = value; return this; }
        public String getNotes() { return notes; }
        public JobOffer setNotes(String value) { this.notes = value; return this; }


Java UpdateJobApplication DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /jsv/reply/UpdateJobApplication HTTP/1.1 
Accept: text/jsv
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	id: 0,
	jobId: 0,
	contactId: 0,
	appliedDate: 0001-01-01,
	applicationStatus: Applied,
			id: 0,
			jobApplicationId: 0,
			fileName: String,
			filePath: String,
			contentType: String,
			contentLength: 0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	id: 0,
	jobId: 0,
	contactId: 0,
		id: 0,
		title: String,
		employmentType: FullTime,
		company: String,
		location: String,
		salaryRangeLower: 0,
		salaryRangeUpper: 0,
		description: String,
				id: 0,
				jobId: 0,
				contactId: 0,
					id: 0,
					title: String,
					employmentType: FullTime,
					company: String,
					location: String,
					salaryRangeLower: 0,
					salaryRangeUpper: 0,
					description: String,
							id: 0,
							jobId: 0,
							contactId: 0,
								id: 0,
								title: String,
								employmentType: FullTime,
								company: String,
								location: String,
								salaryRangeLower: 0,
								salaryRangeUpper: 0,
								description: String,
										id: 0,
										jobId: 0,
										contactId: 0,
											id: 0,
											displayName: String String,
											profileUrl: String,
											firstName: String,
											lastName: String,
											salaryExpectation: 0,
											jobType: String,
											availabilityWeeks: 0,
											preferredWorkType: FullTime,
											preferredLocation: String,
											email: String,
											phone: String,
											about: String
												id: 0,
												appUserId: String,
													id: String,
													firstName: String,
													lastName: String,
													displayName: String,
													profileUrl: String
												jobApplicationId: 0,
												comment: String,
												createdDate: 0001-01-01,
												createdBy: String,
												modifiedDate: 0001-01-01,
												modifiedBy: String,
												deletedDate: 0001-01-01,
												deletedBy: String
										appliedDate: 0001-01-01,
										applicationStatus: Applied,
												id: 0,
												jobApplicationId: 0,
												fileName: String,
												filePath: String,
												contentType: String,
												contentLength: 0
												id: 0,
												jobApplicationId: 0,
												appUserId: String,
													id: String,
													firstName: String,
													lastName: String,
													displayName: String,
													profileUrl: String
												description: String,
												status: Applied,
												eventDate: 0001-01-01,
												createdDate: 0001-01-01,
												createdBy: String,
												modifiedDate: 0001-01-01,
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												id: String,
												firstName: String,
												lastName: String,
												displayName: String,
												profileUrl: String
											jobApplicationId: 0,
											applicationStatus: Applied,
											notes: String,
											createdDate: 0001-01-01,
											createdBy: String,
											modifiedDate: 0001-01-01,
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											deletedDate: 0001-01-01,
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												id: String,
												firstName: String,
												lastName: String,
												displayName: String,
												profileUrl: String
											applicationStatus: Applied,
											notes: String,
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											createdBy: String,
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											modifiedBy: String,
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											deletedBy: String
											id: 0,
											salaryOffer: 0,
											currency: String,
											jobApplicationId: 0,
											appUserId: String,
												id: String,
												firstName: String,
												lastName: String,
												displayName: String,
												profileUrl: String
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								preferredLocation: String,
								email: String,
								phone: String,
								about: String,
										id: 0,
										jobId: 0,
										contactId: 0,
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											phone: String,
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												id: String,
												firstName: String,
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												displayName: String,
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												id: String,
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												lastName: String,
												displayName: String,
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